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AMP solutions


Total Core Banking Solutions AMP

AMP supports all core banking needs in One system which encompasses domestic core banking for personal and corporate needs, international core banking, foreign exchange, and remittance services. Among the various AMP's business functions below, customers are able to select priority functions according to their needs, easily expand the system on as-needed base, and gradually structure the optimal system to suit their business needs.

AMP-SyLoan: Specialized Solution for Syndicated Loan

Targeting the ever-growing syndicated loans market, specialized solution based on AMP has been productized with only the relevant functions. It is a solution that can provide comprehensive support toward opertaions related to syndicated loans, including Agent and Participating Banks.

AMP-InstFinance: Specialized Solution for Installment finance

As a solution specializing in installment loans against emerging countries in Southeast Asia, it holds a track record in two Southeast Asian countries and has been contributing towards meeting the SDGs goals. We are planning to expand it in the Southeast Asian market.

AMP-Loan: Specialized Solution for Retail Loan (Specialized for Japan)

Productized jointly by Korea and Japan with the loan function separated from the full banking system, the AMP-Loan covers Japan’s complicated and various loan operations. It is also currently implemented as a system for mortgages, personal loan and credit-card loan for large corporate banks and internet banks. And it has been functioning consistently for long duration of time. This solution uses the latest technology and is expected to actively increase sales towards SaaS, BaaS, NeoBank, and Platform businesses.

Performance Record

Please check the ebs Japan’s home page for detailed information regarding performance in major trust banks, SBI Sumishin Net Bank, major internet banks, major telecommunication companies, and etc. (https://www.earnest-business.com)

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